Relational perspective in designing and conducting research into the Internet


  • Anna Buchner Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Warsaw and Digital Center [Centrum Cyfrowe]
  • Katarzyna Zaniewska Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Warsaw and Digital Center [Centrum Cyfrowe]


research into the Internet, qualitative research, relational perspective, research procedure, research tools, systematizing analysis, in-depth analysis.


From the relational perspective, competent use of the Internet is defined as one that can improve the quality an individual’s life or the efficiency of an institution and, as a result, enable them to function more smoothly/easily in their area of interest (Fliciak, Growiec, Mazurek, 2013). Thus, research into the Internet cannot be restricted to the online activities of the research participants and requires a broader, relational perspective.  In the article, we draw from our unique experiences of designing, conducting and analysing research into the Internet with the use of the relational approach. The word “Internet” is used here primarily with reference to the field of research and somewhat less to the manner in which research is carried out. This is to say that the Internet constitutes the research environment and, above all, the research subject, whereas the use of Internet methodology is of secondary importance. The methodology is by no means key. For it is not because of the methodology employed that research is classified as “Internet research”. Nor is it necessary to employ Internet tools in the research into the Internet.



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How to Cite

Buchner, A., & Zaniewska, K. (2017). Relational perspective in designing and conducting research into the Internet. E-Methodology, 25–40. Retrieved from



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