Public diplomacy and cooperation with non-governmental organizations in the liberal perspective of international relations


  • Natalia Broś University of Wrocław


Słowa kluczowe:

Liberalism, public diplomacy, NGO, soft power, Civil Society


This article discusses the issue of state cooperation with non-governmental organizations in public diplomacy. This has been explored in relation to the liberal perspective in international relations, which very clearly highlights the importance of NGOs as an influential participant in world politics. The article contains an analysis of the international system, categorizes the roles and functions of NGOs in international relations. It shows concepts on contemporary understanding of power and a clear focus on reinforcing and using components of soft power, including public diplomacy, in moden international relations. Methodological aspects are deepened by an analytical layer exploring Civil Society 2.0 Program, what is an example of an effective combination of diplomatic efforts between the state and NGOs to achieve common goals.



Biogram autora

Natalia Broś - University of Wrocław


scientific interests: political science



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Jak cytować

Broś, N. (2017). Public diplomacy and cooperation with non-governmental organizations in the liberal perspective of international relations. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 8(1), 11–22.