
  • Sofia Leonidivna Grabovska Ivan Franko Lviv National University
  • Inha Rostyslavivna Petrovska Ivan Franko Lviv National University


Słowa kluczowe:

civiс identity, civil society, state, students, individual model of the world.


The civic identity of an individual is seen as a dynamic system of citizen's perceptions of himself / herself and related emotions and value-semantic elements derived from the awareness of the fact that he / she is a citizen of a state and at the same time a member of the community of citizens. The results of the study support the notion that awareness of being a citizen of the state does not already mean having civic identity. Only 34% of interviewed students have a well-formed positive civic identity; 37% are showing some uncertainty, vagueness, ambiguity in their perception of themselves as citizens; 15% reject their Ukrainian civic identity, have a well-formed negative civic identity, and, more than other types, exhibit passive-indifferent civil position; 14% make a group of "potential emigrants" who are ready to change the Ukrainian civic identity for another. The differences in worldview and value-motivational sphere of students with the formed positive ("reached"), undefined ("indistinct" / "diffuse"), formed negative ("negative-passive") and "protest" ("potential immigrants") civic identity have been discovered.




Biogramy autorów

Sofia Leonidivna Grabovska - Ivan Franko Lviv National University

PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology

scientific interests: psychology

Inha Rostyslavivna Petrovska - Ivan Franko Lviv National University

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology

scientific interests: political science


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Jak cytować

Grabovska, S. L., & Petrovska, I. R. (2017). INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDENTS WITH DIFFERENT TYPES OF CIVIC IDENTITY. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 8(1), 138–147.