A Study Of Creativity Among Adolescents Students


  • Mili Neeraj Northwestern Oklahoma State University 709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK , USA
  • Sarah Hanarick Northwestern Oklahoma State University 709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK, USA


Creativity, Adolescence


Creative achievements are the foundation for development in the world. Creativity is affected by many variables, and its source lies in the production of high‐quality, original, and well-designed solutions to complex, novel, and ill‐defined problems.   In other words, creativity is the capacity to produce new art, ideas, techniques or other products which are useful, aesthetically appealing, meaningful and correct within a particular field. It is regarded as the ability for divergent thinking or open ended thought.  The general factors of creativity are fluency, originality, adaptivety, spontaneity, flexibility and ability to make logical evaluations.

The creative individuals are self assertive, dominant (Whittkar 1970), sensitive (Bhattacharya 1956) and non-confirming (Cashdan and welsh-1966). They prefer to live in the world of imagination and fantasy. They tend to be aggressive unstable and curious. They ignore orthodox expectations and break rules and regulations (Rubin 1969). Since creativity involves the qualities like independence of thought and action, non-conformity to group pressure, etc. It is most common that creative individuals experience some unusual problem of adjustment. These individuals may also differ in their intelligence, personality, and personal problems. The present study is an attempt to find whether school back ground or academic stream have any effect on creativity.



