Lexicon acquisition in an interdisciplinary learning context


  • MARIA PAULA SANTOS SOARES DA SILVA LAGO Universidade do Minho, Portugal



Słowa kluczowe:

lexicon, active vocabulary, passive vocabulary, success, failure, strategies


This paper presents the questions that led to the field research, the theoretical frame, the subsequent methodology, and some of the results and conclusions. One of these conclu-sions is the need of specific tasks aimed at lexicon acquisition and of interdisciplinary work within that acquisition. Some strategies of minimizing failure and e learning enhancement will also be discussed, as well as the learning results achieved in the strict area of lexicon acquisition.





Jak cytować

SANTOS SOARES DA SILVA LAGO, M. P. . (2020). Lexicon acquisition in an interdisciplinary learning context. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 4(2), 262–272. https://doi.org/10.15503/jecs20132.262.272