https://doi.org/10.15503/jecs20162.274.287Słowa kluczowe:
history teaching, adult education, project Second Chance, Serbia, XX centuryAbstrakt
The implementation of comprehensive educational reforms which include adult education is taking place in Serbia. The bases for the reforms are new approaches to education and learning, because rapid changes in all spheres of life have opened up the need for lifelong learning and education. However, the moment when society recognized the need for an institutional and organized form of adult education was preceded by a long development path in the second half of the twentieth century. This paper will examine the role of history as a subject in primary education of adults within the Second Chance project. History as a subject is undeniably important for development of one`s identity and understanding of the present in order to prepare to be a responsible part of society. Considering that Serbia has in the past been faced with the problem of illiteracy, there will be a brief overview of adult education in the second half of the twentieth century.
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