New media in the classroom from the perspective of transactional analysis


  • Zbigniew Łęski Faculty of Pedagogy Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa ul. Waszyngtona 4/8 42-200 Częstochowa

Słowa kluczowe:

new media, computer-human relationship, transactional analysis, classroom context


In recent years new media have contributed to considerable changes in everyday life of the modern man. The reality created by them has become an integral and inseparable part of the world around us. Obviously, such changes also concern the classroom reality, which can be observed and analysed in various areas. One of them involves employment of the latest technologies in the teaching process. Another is related to issues associated with administrative procedures and communication of the school with the local community and parents. There is also one more area connected with a permanent presence of the cyberspace in the school reality, which is perceived from the perspective of changes in relationships and emergence of completely new, previously unobservable relationships that occur between the subjects of the educational process and new media that are present in the school environment. This last issue seems to be most interesting.

The present article shows how the theory of transactional analysis can be used to examine, describe and evaluate the relationships mentioned above. Additionally, the author indicates the possibility of employing the existing, ready to use research tools and mentions studies that are being conducted at present and which use transactional analysis in empirical initiatives connected with human relationships with the computer.




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Jak cytować

Łęski, Z. (2017). New media in the classroom from the perspective of transactional analysis. Edutainment, 1(1). Pobrano z


