Shaping the image of people with trisomy chromosome 21 in virtual space




Thesis. We are increasingly shaping our image through computer-mediated communication (CMC). In managing the image of people with trisomy chromosome 21, it is essential to use the potential of CMC to acquire networking skills for people with trisomy 21 and to make optimal use of various self-presentation techniques through active participation in the virtual community.

The article answers how the presence in the virtual community of people with trisomy chromosome 21 is marked. A lot of good practices are observed. However, mistakes are also sometimes worth knowing about and  to be avoided.

Methods. The research material consisted of posts about people with trisomy 21 primarily on social networks and on forums and websites to which the authors of the profiles referred.   The content analysis method was used for the study.

Results. Problems concerning the image creation of people with trisomy can be located in three areas:

-perspective (the image of the subjects is created from the perspective of third parties, such as parents);

-goal (which is mainly to seek support for children with trisomy);

-a type of self-presentation content (content is reduced to portraying people with trisomy as lovely, likable people; focus on disability-related aspects, not content in everyday life, interests).

            The article also presents good image management practices and suggests directions for work on the self-presentation of people with chromosome 21 trisomy in social media.


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How to Cite

Ślósarz, L. (2023). Shaping the image of people with trisomy chromosome 21 in virtual space. E-Methodology, 9(9), 85–95.



“On the Internet” – Research