Supporting inclusion in teaching and learning STEM subjects within the DISCO+ project
cooperative engineering, inclusion and diversity, early school leaving, STEM education, gender equality, the development of critical thinkingAbstract
Aim. The objectives of DISCO+ (Dropout and Inclusion at SChOol) project are two- fold: to implement an inclusive approach and prevent early school leaving in STEM sub- jects. The participating partner institutions apply cooperative engineering to develop units in mathematics and science subjects that can be implemented in different European educational contexts to meet the project objectives. Within the project (WP2) 16 transna- tional groups of pre- and in- service teachers take part in an eTwinning digital training sessions on the notion of school inclusion in Europe, the implementation of the principle of equality between girls and boys, the development of the critical thinking in learning scientific disciplines. Small group discussions refine each participant’s understanding of the issues involved, and the work carried out makes it possible to go beyond the local character of the definitions and to reach a common and shared understanding of the intercultural nuances present in each country. These exchanges will help build links be- tween participants and create a network of European colleagues. The groups’ experience books will serve as a basis for posters, which will be presented in June 2024. These pres- entations can be filmed and contribute to a 5-hour MOOC, which will be developed at a later phase in the project.
Methods. By adopting a methodology which includes collectively designing teach- ing-learning sequences in transnational context, the project applies transnational engi- neering. Each partner involved in the creation of one or more teaching-learning sequenc- es must question the conditions of transferability of its point of view, its analyses and its testimonies in different educational contexts. In other words, the intercultural component of sequences designed jointly by partners from different countries should be ensured by addressing socially relevant issues and enriching their treatment with a variety of cul- tural viewpoints. The design of sequences on a transnational scale from this intercultural perspective will also make it possible to deal with the language issue in subjects such as mathematics and science. This methodology intends to develop a common culture on key issues such as sustainable development, inclusion and gender equality and to contribute to the creation of a European citizenship.
Results. The activities will result in several deliverables, which include a round ta- ble, dedicated to the notion of school inclusion on a European scale, a four-month long eTwinning digital training in 16 transnational groups (teacher trainees, practioners) dis- cussing and exchanging ideas on inclusion in European education systems, teaching Sci- ence subjects, equality of girls and boys and developing critical thinking. Group experi- ence notebooks will be published as the result of exchanges between students, and will be dissemminated through the realisation of a poster session allowing the mutualisation of the work of the different working (16 transnational) groups. During the implementa- tion of „cooperative engineering” around inclusion and STEM teaching approaches by deconstructing representations of these objects to identify European variables and in- variants, an „online serious game”, and an accompanying guide is to be developed. The production of at least 4 teaching units (one per transnational team), two of which will be in mathematics and two in earth sciences (at least one unit is taught in the mother tongue and another in a CLIL approach) will be filmed and analysed by each “cooperative en- gineering” group on the eTwinning platform. Several activities will be used to produce resources, which in turn will be scripted into am5-hour MOOC training module to be made available on the platform already developed as part of the DICO+ project.
Conclusions. In conclusion, the structure of the DISCO+ project will enable it to ad- dress the entire educational community in each country, including pupils, teachers, fu- ture teachers, trainers of trainers and inspectors.
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