The voices and actions of child activists against the climate crisis


  • BIANCA ORRICO SERRÃO Institute of Education, Department of Social Sciences and Education, University of Minho R. da Universidade, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
  • MANUEL JACINTO SARMENTO Department of Social Sciences and Education, Institute of Education, University of Minho R. da Universidade, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
  • JULIANA PRATES SANTANA Psychology Department, Institute of Psychology, Federal University of Bahia R. Aristides Novis, 197, Estrada de São Lázaro, CEP 40210-730, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil



Aim. The work has as main objective to present some of the actions of children considered activists to face the climate crisis through social media. Technologies and social media
allow them a new form of existence and action through their posts, whether is in video,
photo or text format, promoting interactions and discussions that captivate hundreds or
thousands of followers.
Methods. Data collection was carried out from a digital ethnography, analysing the
social media and linked news in the media of 13 children from different countries (Australia,
United States, India, Holland, England, Indonesia, South Africa, Uganda and Sweden) over
an 18-month period.
Results. To understand the data, digital ethnography was used as a strategy to follow
the main interactions and online mobilisations through different social media (Facebook,
Instagram and Twitter), as well as linked news in the media about those children, and
articulation of them with governmental, non-governmental organizations and private companies. In relation to the selection of participants, the profi le of a child activist was added
and through the algorithms of these platforms other activists with similar profi les were
found that promote content about climate justice.
Conclusions. It was possible to identify that the Internet has enabled the visibility and
articulation of children’s actions on the theme, and how this engagement has promoted
awareness and changes to fi ght against the climate crisis. It is worth emphasising the
importance of digital literacy so that access to these spaces is carried out safely and responsibly for this social group.




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Jak cytować

ORRICO SERRÃO, B., JACINTO SARMENTO, M., & PRATES SANTANA, J. (2021). The voices and actions of child activists against the climate crisis. E-Methodology, 7(7), 35–50.



“On the Internet” – Research