How to plug out of the networks in jeopardy of ASF, Covid-19, social media or markets toxicity
Epidemic spreading, social networks, complex networks, agent-based modelsAbstract
Aim: In our research, we examine universal properties of the global network whose structure represents a real-world network that might be later extended to social media, commodity market or countries under the infl uence of diseases like Covid-19 or ASF.
Methods: We propose quasi-epidemiological agent-based model of virus spread on a network. Firstly, we consider countries represented by subnetworks that have a scale-free structure achieved by the preferential attachment construction with a node hierarchy and binary edges. The global network of countries is a complete, directed, weighted network of these
subnetworks connected by their capitals and divided into cultural and geographical proximity. Viruses with a defi ned strength or aggressiveness occur independently at one of the nodes of a selected subnetwork and correspond to a piece of products or messages or diseases.
Results and conclusion: We analyse dynamics set by varying parameter values and observe a variety of phenomena including local and global pandemics and the existence of an epidemic threshold in the subnetworks. These phenomena have been also shown from
individual users points of view because the node removal from the network might have impact on its nearest neighbours differently. The selective participation in global network is proposed here to avoid side effects when the global network has been fully connected and no longer divided into clusters.
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