The knowledge of medical staff on the impact of noise on neonatal intensive care units patients and its application in practice.
Noise, Newborns, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)Abstract
Noise is an undesirable environmental factor whose control and reduction should be standard in every Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Its impact can have negative effects on both the mental and physical health of the body. Newborns, especially premature infants, are particularly sensitive to the negative effects of noise. the negative impact of noise can be reduced through appropriate behaviour of the medical staff.
Aim. The aim of the study is to analyse the knowledge of medical staff on the impact of noise on newborns staying in Neonatal Intensive Care Units and to evaluate its use in practice.
Methods. A total of 104 respondents working in neonatal wards participated in the study. The survey was conducted online using social media. The study employed the diagnostic survey method with a self-designed questionnaire. The first part of the ques- tionnaire concerned the aspects of knowledge on the impact of noise on hospitalised new- borns; the second part addressed the socio-demographic issues of the medical staff.
Results. Training on noise exposure for newborns is not common in the workplace. There are no recommendations regulating noise standards and control equipment. The surveyed individuals do not have in-depth knowledge about acceptable noise levels in newborn rooms. Only one in three employees was able to provide the correct answers in this regard. Older employees with longer experience and residents of large cities scored higher in knowledge than younger individuals. Those with a higher level of knowledge and satisfaction with their work and earnings show the greatest care in reducing noise intensity in the ward.
Conclusions. In neonatal pathology wards and (NICUs), noise standards and recom- mendations are more common than in physiology wards. Employees caring for new- borns need training on the sources and impact of noise on babies. it is necessary to limit the noise generated by the staff, such as loud conversations, slamming furniture, placing objects on incubators, or moving equipment.
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