E-prescription in Poland - a preliminary report





e-prescription, electronic prescription, e-health


Aim. Aim of the paper: to introduce the subject of e-prescription in Poland. E-prescription is a digital version of the previously used standard paper prescription. In Poland,
professional arrangements were made, thanks to which it became possible to promote
e-prescriptions in pharmacies and doctors’ surgeries throughout the country.
Methods. The authors analyse how e-prescription is introduced in Poland. We applied
comparative analysis (of eprescining in the European Union countries) , literature review
(what are legal and technical constraints) and case study (how it was introduced in Poland).
We showed the implementation of the e-Health (P1) system in Poland and described
the use of the free application of the Ministry of Health. We presented preparations for the
implementation of digital health services by the Center for Health Information Systems
Results and conclusion. For years in Poland, handwritten prescriptions used to be the
preferred method of communication for doctors when making decisions about therapy
with medications and for pharmacists to distribute them. Nonetheless, over the last decade,
interest in the subject of e-prescription, alongside other e-health solutions for processing
health-related data, has increased. E-prescription is fi lled on the basis of a four-digit code,
which we receive by text message sent to a given phone number or by email to an indicated
address. Alternatively, there is a possibility to obtain an information printout, depending
on the confi guration of our Patient Account. An important change introduced is that we
do not have to physically carry the printed prescription with us anymore. E-prescription
provides benefi ts for doctors, patients and pharmacists, such as: convenience, time saving,
greater safety of the therapy, less risk of error, less bureaucracy. The main objectives of the
e-prescribing system involve facilitation of the process of prescriptions delivery, reduction
of errors, time optimisation for doctors and pharmacists and eliminating the problem of
illegible and fake prescriptions, which have so far been a common occurrence.
Cognitive value. This article shows the process of introducing E-prescription in Poland.


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How to Cite

GRABOWSKA, B. ., SEŃ, M. ., & KLISOWSKA, I. . (2021). E-prescription in Poland - a preliminary report. E-Methodology, 7(7), 151–156. https://doi.org/10.15503/emet2020.151.156



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